The Council of Europe Education Policy Advisors Network (EPAN) was launched in 2018 as a renewal of the former network of coordinators for education for democratic citizenship and human rights, encouraging the integration of the [» Reference Framework] of Competences for Democratic Culture. The model for competence-oriented education in the field of democracy is aimed at educators from formal and non-formal education, including adult education and vocational training (three-vulume publication: Volume 1: Context, concepts and model, Volume 2: Descriptors, Volume 3: Guidance for implementation).
An executive summary is also available [» in German].
Since 2019, a [» NECE focus group] moderated by [» polis – The Austrian Centre for Citizenship Education in Schools] together with the [» DARE network] investigates the potential applications of the reference framework in various educational contexts. Claudia Lenz, co-author of the RFCDC, acts as lead expert. On behalf of the DARE member organization Demokrative, Rebecca Welge takes part in the focus group. The Kick-off meeting of the NECE Focus Group on the Council of Europe’s RFCDC took place in Vienna 4-5 February 2019.